1. Surviving and Thriving in the New Boundary Reality

1. Surviving and Thriving in the New Boundary Reality

last update on: 02/13/2023

The fundamentals of land and property have changed.  Learn to survive and thrive in this new boundary reality.

What You'll Learn
- The six key factors elevating risk in every one of your deals.
- How widespread boundary issues and title insurance have created confusion.
- 5 Steps you can take to protect every deal.
- Your key documents for success.
- How you use this to YOUR and your CLIENT’s advantage.

When You’re Done
Resources: Go to our Resource Library for supporting docs, and additional resources to see how you put this knowledge into action.
Client Handouts: Download your client handouts and impress them with all the value your new designation will give them!
Ask us Questions: We’re on call by text or phone. You’re on the BoundaryWise Team now and we’re here to help! Check out the instructions in the Resource Centre. Start the Course!

Ready to start?
1. Download the Course Notes here.
2. Click on the "Start Training" Button above.
3. Take notes and focus – there's an exam at the end and you’ll need to score 80% to pass!




60 Minutes

Real Estate